Devotional 11.12.2013

I will praise You because I have been remarkably and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, and I know this very well. [HCSB] Psalm 139:14


The Lord says He’s made you remarkable and wonderful! Need I say more? Just in case you’re still in a quandary of what remarkable truly means :D, it means you are: Extraordinary, Amazing, Outstanding, Incredible, Astonishing, And Significant! He says He also made you Brilliant, Magnificent, Superb, a delight and pleasing. So next time, someone tries to define you by “words”/”characters” contrary to what God says concerning you, you should just know that they cannot be talking about you. They can’t! You cannot be remarkable and wonderful, and at the same time be a failure! It’s impossible! A brilliant and extraordinary person cannot be at the same time called a failure. Naa! NO! They can never be the same people. So too, you can NEVER EVER be synonymous with all forms of the definition of failure. You are too extraordinary to fail! Lord Jesus has made you a success, remember that when your mind/others tries to tells you otherwise.