Devotional 25.10.2013

So many are saying, “God will never rescue him!” [NLT] – Psalm 3:2

True many may be watching and saying among themselves, he/she keeps professing about this God, well let’s see if indeed He is real, let’s see if indeed their God will come through for them and help them out of their impossible desperate situation. LIVE THEM AND LET THEM. Don’t let your heart be bothered about what men/women/people are saying. FOCUS ON YOUR GOD, DON’T WAIVER. Sooner than you will ever fathom, He will answer you; in such a manner that will silent the story tellers. The Lord, He is GOD! He will never disappoint you, and He’s not about to let you be put to shame. Stand firm in HIM! He is a faithful God.

Devotional 24.10.2013

“Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. [NLT] – John 14:1


Do not be cast down or disquieted because of the rumours you’re hearing, whether job loss/ill health/financial difficulty, the word of the Lord says that we should trust in God. I’m not going to begin to tell you that trusting is the easy part. But by believing in Christ Jesus, we gain a comfort, a happiness that you maybe did not expect to have in the midst of it all. By believing that He has you covered is enough assurance to hold on, because you know without a doubt that your breakthrough is coming. And it will NEVER prove false. Encourage yourself in the Lord.

Devotional 23.10.2013

The LORD appeared to me in a faraway place and said, “I love you with an everlasting love. So I will continue to show you my kindness. [GWT] – Jeremiah 31:3


He heals you because He knows you by your name, He knows where you’re hurting and He understands you.  So no matter how regretful / in the dumps you feel, or unworthy/unloved you’re feeling, you “is loved”, you “is important”, and you “is worthy”. Your life is not worthless, don’t put to mind what another may have told you, listen to me, God knows the real you, and not only does He accept you the way you are, He only sees you the way He made you, an OVERCOMER! Now go forth smiling 😀

Devotional 22.10.2013

I alone am the one who is going to wipe away your rebellious actions for my own sake. I will not remember your sins [anymore]. [GWT] – Isaiah 43:25


A life filled with REGRET is a wasted one; a wasted life is a meaningless one. And your life is not a meaningless one. The fact that you are alive today is enough to remind you that you are living in your future – and not the past. And since the past is gone, it has no business/bearing in your today. Decide today that you will make your existence count that you will leave behind an indelible mark in your world, a reminder that will remain for many generations. You are way too important to live a life of ridicule and obscurity. Don’t let the mistakes of your youth dictate how to live your now. Let it go, for even God is telling you, He no longer remembers the errors of your past.